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What's new in the latest version

Features release 1.0, latest version 1.0.1, 20 March 2015

If you are a new user of SpeakOn CalcPad you can skip this page as all new features have been incorporated into the documentation.

What's new in version 1.0.1 - 20 March 2015

This is an update version that ensures compatibility with Java 8; Java 7 is only supported by Oracle until the end of April 2015.

What's new in Features release 1.0 - 5 August 2014

This is the first public release of SpeakOn CalcPad

Folders structure

This version stores itself in the following location:

SpeakOn installation:
C:\Program Files\SpeakOn-CalcPad
C:\Program Files (x86)\SpeakOn-CalcPad

User settings:
Windows Vista Seven and Eight
Windows XP
C:\Documents and Settings\yourusername\Application Data\SpeakOn\CalcPad

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