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File - opening, saving, importing and exporting single and sets of calculations

The File sub-menu contains tasks for opening, saving, importing and exporting single and sets of calculations. Task operation is self-explanatory and the purpose of each task is explained further below.

The term 'calculation' means a single calculation saved or opened by the user. The term 'set' means a group of calculations. There are two types of sets; those provided with the CalcPad installation, and sets composed by the user. The provided sets can only be opened; user sets can be saved and opened. All calculations and sets are stored internally. To share sets with other SpeakOn CalcPad users, you need to export and import them. Note that sets are only available in the scientific calculator mode.

In all the tasks below, tasks are either closed following selection or require confirmation from the Main menu. In all cases, tasks can be cancelled from the Main menu.

Open calculation from file

Select to open a calculation from a list of calculations stored internally.

Save calculation to file

With the focus on the calculation you want to save, either type a new name for a calculation or select a previously saved calculation name from the EditCombo control. Press Select to save the calculation.

Open provided set from file

Select to open a provided set from a list of sets stored internally.

Open user set from file

Select to open a user set from a list of sets stored internally.

Save user set to file

With the focus on the set you want to save, either type a new name for a set or select a previously saved set name from the EditCombo control. Press Select to save the set.

Edit user set in Notepad

Select to open a user set in Notepad from a list of sets stored internally. The set can be edited in Notepad to change the calculations' order, add messages etc. Save the set in Notepad, overriding the original set.

Import set from file system

You can either type the complete path to the set you want to import or navigate the Folder tree control to the set you want to import.

Export set to file system

This operation is done in two stages:

Stage 1: Select set to export task

Select to export a user set from a list of sets stored internally.

Stage 2: Export set selected to file system task

Use the original set name or choose a new one. Navigate the Folder tree control to the folder you want to export to.

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