Tutorial > Standard mode and common operations >

Using functions

A function is a preset calculation (formula) in CalcPad. Functions begin with the function's name followed by its arguments. The function name tells CalcPad which calculation to perform. The arguments are contained inside brackets and provide the functions with the data needed to perform the calculation; functions usually have one or more arguments and arguments are separated by commas. A function name is marked in a calculation with the prefix '.f' to distinguish it from a variable.

For example, the function 'sqrt' calculates the square root of a number.
The sqrt function is written as:

Perform the following calculation:
Result: 4

You can use functions as part of a mathematical expression, for example: 5 + f.sqrt(49)
Result: 12

In standard mode, CalcPad supports only a few function categories (see the foot of this page). In scientific mode, many function categories are available to perform a variety of operations. You don't have to remember all the available functions; the Function selector task in the Main menu
Calculation > Functions selector
enables you to find, examine and insert functions directly into your calculation.

After performing a function selection as explained above, you are always back in the Calculator task.

Function categories supported in Standard mode

You can determine the function categories available using the
CalcPad settings task

In turn, as mentioned earlier in this page, you can examine and insert the functions in the categories you made available using the
Calculation > Functions selector

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