Tutorial > The basics >

Common interactions

Interrupting speech

The user operates SpeakOn with a keyboard. SpeakOn responds with speech to convey information. You can mute the speech temporarily by pressing the [Ctrl] key.

Warning beep

If you try to perform an operation which is not allowed, SpeakOn will respond with a short sound referred to as a 'Beep'. For example, this will happen if you try to navigate beyond the last item in a list or try to use a key which is not allowed for a particular control. An example of this is a 'Button' control which accepts only the 'Select' key and if you try to use the 'Up' key within this control, SpeakOn responds with a beep.

Copying the last spoken message to the clipboard

Sometimes you might want to obtain the last spoken message perhaps because you want to send or save it somewhere or examine it in detail because it was not spoken clearly.

To do this press: [Ctrl + Shift + c] The message is copied to the clipboard and you can paste it to other applications.

Time and Date

To hear the time press [F12]

To hear the date press [Ctrl + F12]

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