David demonstrates how SpeakOn MediaSuite can provide high quality access to Audio and DAISY Books, eBooks, Podcast, Internet Radio, music and much, much more for blind and partially sighted computer users. Do you want to read your favourite newspaper from the RNIB? Do you want to listen to Tunein Radio on your PC? Do you want to play your media across multiple Windows devices? This podcast will demonstrate all this and more.
You can listen to this tutorial in a number of ways:
Use your favourite podcast catcher
Further down the page you will find information about
Contact, getting help, SpeakOn MediaSuite installation, updating and getting started
You can listen to the following tutorial episodes by downloading or opening the audio files directly using your favourite audio player.
This episode covers setting up SpeakOn Media, changing the default synthesiser to a more friendly voice and introduces you to the range of apps available by default, and then the further apps available through additional optional plugins.
This episode describes how shortcuts and the Send To menu in File Explorer can be utilised to make it much easier to import books and other content into SpeakOn Media.
This episode covers the reading of DAISY and Audio Books. It explains SpeakOn navigation, bookmarking, and varying the speed and volume of playback. It also introduces SpeakOn’s context sensitive help feature.
This episode covers loading eBooks, changing the reading voice and speed, book navigation, and setting bookmarks. It also demonstrates sophisticated search options and hearing book size and location information.
This episode covers using a Tunein account to access radio in SpeakOn, using the optional VI Radio app and importing radio streams into the Other Media app to create a third customised internet radio app.
This episode covers downloading a DAISY Book from the new RNIB Reading Service and playing it using SpeakOn.
This episode covers reading RNIB eText newspapers. It includes subscribing to newspapers, bookmarking and extracting articles amongst other features.
This episode covers accessing the RNIB magazine service and the workaround needed if the RNIB has broken a magazine’s link to SpeakOn.
This episode covers searching for and downloading podcasts. It also covers browsing useful online directories including content from BBC Sounds.
This episode covers creating a portable version of SpeakOn which, when applied to DropBox and OneDrive allows the synchronisation of reading of media across multiple Windows devices.
This episode demonstrates how a Cloud install of SpeakOn can perform on both DropBox and OneDrive. It shows how reading is synchronised across multiple Windows devices.
Copy the following URL into your favourite podcast catcher and listen to any tutorial episode in the usual way.
If you are already familiar with listening to podcasts using SpeakOn you can broaden your knowledge by using the SpeakOn permanent link to this tutorial in the 'VI Podcast' app.
If you want to listen to this tutorial using SpeakOn itself, you need to add the 'VI Podcast' plug-in if you have not done so already. Adding and removing plug-ins is described:
Once you have added the 'VI Podcast' plug-in, this Media task (app) is available in the SpeakOn manager in the usual way.
After starting this app in the Library control navigate to:
All feeds > Community > SpeakOn MediaSuite tutorial by David Griffith
Press [Enter] to load the podcast and navigate in the Player in the usual way. As a reminder use:
[F2] to listen to a short description of the tutorial podcast itself
[Shift + F2] to listen to a short description of the episode in focus.
You can contact David Griffith the author of this audio tutorial by email:
Information on the self help, low traffic SpeakOn mailing list is available:
SpeakOn MediaSuite is available free from:
This page contains information about SpeakOn, the types of media it supports, links to the download page, the manual and mailing list.
Instructions for updating from an older version are:
If you are new to SpeakOn, start by reading the
Installing SpeakOn and getting started section
For convenience, this section contains separate 'Getting started' pages for using the Standard keyboard, Numerical keypad, TouchScreen and TouchPad.
The manual is:
The step-by-step written tutorial section in the manual is: