Reference - Operating SpeakOn >

Controls' operations key action list

Controls are operated using the Context keys:

The Primary Context keys are: 'Up', 'Down', 'Left', 'Right' and 'Select'.

The additional Context keys are: * 'Select', * 'Up', * 'Down', * 'Left', * 'Right', # 'Select' and *# 'Select'.

The Primary Context keys are used most frequently. Using the additional Context keys may provide extra functionality which enables faster operation in some situations.

Further down the page there is a quick reference list to all the controls types currently implemented in SpeakOn and the keys that operate them. You will find that the keys are intuitive and easy to remember as they work in a similar way for all controls.

It is not necessary to remember these keys as you can either:

Use the Keys available for the current control sub-menu which gives you a list of all available Context keys for the current control or use the Help Input mode which allows you to explore the various keys' functionality.

You can get access to these features using the Help menu. More information on these features is available in the Tutorial section:

Control types and their key actions 

The various controls used in SpeakOn are described as part of the Tutorial.

There are ten control types implemented currently: Message, Button, CheckBox, List, CheckList, Options, Slider, Edit, Tree and Player. Below is a complete quick reference for the controls and their key actions.

a. Message  - this control does not respond to any keys; it just announces itself.

b. Button  - this control responds to the 'Select' [Enter] (5) key to perform a required action.

c. CheckBox  - this control responds to the 'Select' [Enter] (5) key to select an option or operation.

d. List  - this control responds to the following keys:

'Up' [up arrow] (8) - moves up the list by the selected step size

'Down' [down arrow] (2) - moves down the list by the selected step size

'Left' [left arrow] (4) - selects the previous step size available

'Right' [right arrow] (6) - selects the next step size available

'Select' [Enter] (5) - to optionally perform a required action

'Home' [Home] (4 long) - moves to the first item in the list

'End' [End] (6 long) - moves to the last item in the list

Any text key - moves to the next item starting with the character pressed

e. Check List  - this control responds to the following keys:

'Up' [up arrow] (8) - moves up the list by the selected step size

'Down' [down arrow] (2) - moves down the list by the selected step size

'Left' [left arrow] (4) - selects the previous step size available

'Right' [right arrow] (6) - selects the next step size available

'Select' [Enter] (5) - to select or deselect an item

'Home' [Home] (4 long) - moves to the first item in the list

'End' [End] (6 long) - moves to the last item in the list

Any text key - moves to the next item starting with the character pressed

f. Options  - this control responds to the following keys:

'Up' [up arrow] (8) - selects the previous available option in category

'Down' [down arrow] (2) - selects the next available option in category

'Left' [left arrow] (4) - selects the previous available category

'Right' [right arrow] (6) - selects the next available category

'Select' [Enter] (5) - to optionally perform a required action

'Home' [Home] (4 long) - moves to the first option in a category

'End' [End] (6 long) - moves to the last option in a category

Any text key - moves to the next item starting with the character pressed

g. Slider  - this control responds to the following keys:

'Up' [up arrow] (8) - increases the value

'Down' [down arrow] (2) - reduces the value

'Select' [Enter] (5) - to optionally perform a required action

h. Edit  - this control responds to the following keys:

(Note - this control is only relevant to the standard keyboard)

Any text key - a character is typed depending on the status of the insert mode as follows:

Insert mode On (the default) - a character is inserted before the cursor position

Insert mode Off - a character is typed over the character at the cursor position

'Left' [left arrow] - moves the cursor to the previous character

'Right' [right arrow] - moves the cursor to the next character

* 'Left' [Ctrl + left arrow] - moves the cursor to the previous word

* 'Right' [Ctrl + right arrow] - moves the cursor to the next word

'Home' [Home] - moves the cursor to the first character

'End' [End] - moves the cursor to the last character

'Delete' [Del] - deletes the character at the cursor

'Insert' [Ins] - toggles insert mode On or Off

'Select All' [Ctrl + a] - selects all characters

'Copy' [Ctrl + c] - copies selected characters to the clipboard

'Cut' [Ctrl + x] - cuts selected characters to the clipboard

'Paste' [Ctrl + v] - pastes selected characters from the clipboard

# 'Speech Plus' [Shift F6] - Toggles speech echo On or Off for the duration of the current session

i. Tree  - this control responds to the following keys:

'Up' [up arrow] (8) - moves up the nodes at the same level by the selected step size

'Down' [down arrow] (2) - moves down the nodes at the same level by the selected step size

'Left' [left arrow] (4) - moves one level towards the root, the cursor is positioned on the parent node

'Right' [right arrow] (6) - moves one level away from the root; the cursor is positioned on the first child node

'Select' [Enter] (5) - to optionally perform a required action

'Home' [Home] (4 long) - moves to the first node at the same level

'End' [End] (6 long) - moves to the last node at the same level

* 'Left' [Ctrl + left arrow] (0 + 4) - selects the previous step size available

* 'Right' [Ctrl + right arrow] (0 + 6) - selects the next step size available

Any text key - moves to the next node at the same level starting with the character pressed

j. Player  - this control responds to the following keys:

'Up' [up arrow] (8) - moves the media cursor backward by the navigation unit selected

'Down' [down arrow] (2) - moves the media cursor forward by the navigation unit selected

'Left' [left arrow] (4) - selects the previous navigation unit

'Right' [right arrow] (6) - selects the next navigation unit

'Select' [Enter] (5) - Play or pause - if the current media was not paused before, play starts from the beginning.

# 'Select'[Shift + Enter] (5 long) - Reload and play from the beginning of the current media.

'Home' [Home] (4 long) - moves the media cursor to the beginning of the first item in the media collection

'End' [End] (6 long) - moves the media cursor to the beginning of the last item in the media collection

Any text key - moves to the next item starting with the character pressed in the media collection

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