Tutorial > The Manager - operation and settings > Tools - adding and removing plug-ins, Alphanumeric input, portable installation >

Alphanumeric input practice

The 'Alphanumeric input' feature's goal is primarily to enable efficient typing in SpeakOn with touch devices that do not contain a Standard keyboard.

Information on how to use the 'Alphanumeric input' feature including this practice task is provided in
The 'Alphanumeric input' section of this tutorial

The 'Alphanumeric input practice' task enables you to practice entering text while learning how to use the 'Alphanumeric input' feature without having to worry about entering unexpected data to SpeakOn. Otherwise, this task does nothing. Note that this task is only available when the 'Alphanumeric input enabled' CheckBox is checked in the 'Alphanumeric input settings' task.

The 'Alphanumeric input practice' task can be started from the Manager. Go to the Main menu by pressing the 'Menu' [Alt] (9) key. Select the
Tools > 'Alphanumeric input practice' menu item and this task will start.

The 'Alphanumeric input practice' task contains two controls. When you start this task, the focus is placed at the first control; the 'Enter text' edit control. You can move the focus between controls in the usual way by pressing the 'Focus' [Tab] (3) key.

The following controls are available:

'Enter text' Edit control

The purpose of this Edit control is simply to practice entering and editing text using 'Alphanumeric input'.

'Shopping' List control

This control contains a list of typical groceries in a shopping list and its purpose is simply for you to practice first letter navigation. For example, if you enter the letter 'o' using 'Alphanumeric input' the focus should move to the 'Onion' shopping list item.

When you have finished practising using the 'Alphanumeric input' feature, bring up the Main menu by pressing the Menu key and select the 'OK' menu item to close this task.

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