Tutorial > The basics >

Time, Date, Sleep timer and Battery monitoring

This page describes miscellaneous features available anywhere in SpeakOn.

Page index:



Sleep timer

Battery monitoring


You can find the time as follows:

Standard keyboard, press :
Clock [F12]

NumPad, press :
Time (F: Clock > Up 8)

TouchScreen and TouchPad, invoke the gesture:
Time {swipe left > down > left}

You can also use the Clock function, invoke:
Time {F: Clock > Up}


You can find the date as follows:

Standard keyboard, press :
* Clock [Ctrl + F12]

NumPad, press :
Date (F: Clock > Left 4)

TouchScreen and TouchPad, invoke the gesture:
Date {F: Clock > Left}

Sleep timer

You can set up a Sleep timer for a specific time period. When this period ends, the playing of any media stops and optionally your device is set to sleep mode.

You can set and monitor the Sleep timer as follows:

Standard keyboard, press :
# Clock [Shift + F12]

NumPad, press: Timer (F: Clock > Right 6)

TouchScreen and TouchPad, invoke the gesture:
Timer {swipe down > up}

You can also use the Clock function. Invoke:
Timer {F: Clock > Right}

The following timer settings are available:

The settings above are self-explanatory. When the Timer action (key or gesture) is invoked, if the timer is not already running, the first setting is used. If the Timer action is invoked again within 5 seconds, it goes to the next setting and so on. This way you can cycle through all the settings.

If the timer is already running, the remaining time period is spoken. Again you can at any time cycle through the available settings by invoking the Timer action within 5 seconds.

When the timed period ends, if the Player is playing any media, it is stopped and depending on the settings, the device is set to sleep mode. You can wake up your device in the usual way by pressing a key or button.

Battery monitoring

Battery monitoring provides the following information where relevant:

  1. AC power On
    When the power cord is connected to the device and power is available.

  2. Charging
    When the AC power is On and the battery is actually charging; this information is not supplied if the AC power is On but the battery is already charged.

  3. Percent charged
    Percent charged of the battery's full capacity.

  4. Time remaining
    Estimated Time remaining in hours and minutes before the battery is completely discharged.
    The accuracy and consequently usefulness of this estimation can vary enormously as it depends on the device's internal battery monitoring.

Battery monitoring is provided both automatically and on-demand.

Automatic monitoring

Automatic monitoring of the battery charge is conducted in the background continuously. The first check is conducted a couple of minutes after SpeakOn is started and subsequently by checks every 30 minutes. The user is notified if the charge drops below 20%.

On-demand monitoring

You can find the battery information as follows:

Standard keyboard, press :  Battery [Ctrl + Shift + b]

NumPad, press :
Battery (F: Info > Focus 3)

TouchScreen and TouchPad, invoke the gesture:
Battery {swipe down > left > down}

You can also use the Info function. Invoke:
Battery {F: Info > Focus}

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